After Nehemiah shared the story of God's favor and the King's blessing, the people proclaimed let us rise up and build. LifeSpring Church has also experienced God's favor. His many blessings have brought us to where we are today. It is time to Arise & Build.
Every one of us has an our own story to tell. God, the author of all, is taking life experiences and writing an incredible one-of-a-kind masterpiece. While each of our stories is unique, there is the common thread of God's grace, hope and salvation working in us.
We are individual books still being written. There are finalized chapters ready to be shared. Other sections of our lives remain on the authors desk still being completed. Join us as we live the most exciting stories ever told.
The church is people. Peoples stories are what makes the church dynamic. When people share their journey to God it brings the message of God's grace, hope and salvation to others. It builds the church one friendship at a time.
Bring your hurts, hangups and habits and join us as we explore the Celebrate Recovery curriculum and allow God to work in us. We would love for you be part of our story at LifeSpring Church.